Sunday, 20 December 2020

A Virtual Walk Around Aberdare Park

Wendy and Geriant, a volunteer at Cynon Valley Museum produced this article during lockdown - two members of Aberdare Camera club also added images of bird’s and butterflies.
Here are some of the amazing photos showcased by the talented photographers. To see more of these and read up on this fascinating tour, check out the link above.

Small Tortoise Butterfly by Mike Ruck
 "The rose garden provides another ideal opportunity to see our wonderful array of bees, butterflies and even in the height of summer dragonflies."
The Grand Fountain by Wendy Donovan

"The focal point of the park is undoubtedly the grand fountain which was a gift from the first Lord Merthyr in 1911 to the town in commemoration of the Coronation of King George V and Queen Mary."
Mallard (Female) by Graham Morgan
"The lake is home to several species of foul: including mallard (a large duck the males are easily recognisable with their green heads, white collar ring, an almost dark blue rump, grey body, and bright yellow beak. The females are a similar size, but their colouring is totally different with a brown appearance with darker brown mottling and duller yellow beak.)"
Greylag Geese by Wendy Donovan

To see more of these photos and the full virtual tour, head over to the Cynon Valley Museum website or click the link below.


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