Monday, 6 September 2021

Our First Workshop

Our first wildlife children’s event ( Friday )
Marie from RCT run a community event 
(volunteers in the distance raking grass away at Cae Pugh)

the reason being - if the grass is left to break down into the soil , the grass act’s like a fertiliser. 

The wildflowers don’t like fertile soil , they die off and the ground doesn’t produce so many flowers the following year . 

In order to courage indigenous wildlife, the grass it’s raked , collected and the ground is clear of the cut grass, to encourage new growth and more productive growth the following year.




Sunday, 21 February 2021

Sunday, 7 February 2021

Friday, 22 January 2021

A Bird Banquet


This video was captured by one of our members, Julie Rowe, and shows a flock of birds enjoying their feast in a peaceful Welsh garden.

It is important to remember our feathered friends during the winter, with the ground frozen and many trees yet to blossom. It can be a tough time for these little birds, but as you can see here, they will be only too happy to greet you with their presence if you put out some nuts or berries for them.

It is a perfect opportunity to photograph or film them as they are rarely seen so close to us for a long period of time.

Sunday, 3 January 2021